Oahu and Maui, Hawaii
We had a nice sunny, warm day to start, but as we drove around Oahu, we encountered showers. Our last visit to these islands was 26 years ago and we were surprised at the changes around the east end of Oahu. Two lane roads were now four lanes with shopping centers and new housing developments. We saw many signs close to the north shore beaches protesting further growth. The beaches and mountains hadn't changed though and the pineapple valley in the middle of Oahu was still beautiful.
Honolulu has grown also but the city has progressed with time and the hotels all look new and refurbished.
In Maui, we shopped in Lahaina. It is much the same as we remembered , with one small mall that hadn't been there. The areas surrounding Lahaina have grown, but the growth appears to be under control.
Haunamua Bay
Koko Head ( volcano:))
The giant banyon tree in Lahaina
To sum up the experience, it was a grand adventure. Each port was a visual treat and the knowledge we gained on other cultures was truly interesting. It is hard to pick a favorite because every time we try, we can't stop at one.Lets just say, once was enough for Fiji and Samoa but we would repeat all the other places we visited.
As for 30 days on a ship, we would prefer 15-20. We certainly had plenty to do on sea days, but by the time we were leaving Bora Bora, we had been away from home for 28 days already and felt fulfilled. We have to consider 7 of those 28 days were en-route and in Sydney. We have never vacationed that long. So as we wondered how long would be just enough, we think 3 weeks of actual cruising with 2 days at the port of disembarkation would be enough for us.
Maybe we'll feel differently when we get old:)